What Does A Job Really Pay? This Worksheet Uncovers the Truth
Should you stay or should you go? Let’s face it, compensation is a key factor in weighing a job offer. But what does a job really pay?
When considering relocating for a new job, few people take the time to really understand their economic choices, mostly because there are so many hidden factors, such as cost of living, benefits, moving expenses, taxes and so forth. To help you put your choices into perspective, use the following guide to evaluate your prospective compensation package against what you’re currently earning.
My Handy ‘What Does a Job Really Pay’ Worksheet
Current Job | New Job | Financial Considerations |
$ | $ | Base Salary |
$ | $ | Bonus, Commissions |
$ | $ | Additional Perks |
$ | $ | Profit Sharing |
$ | $ | Value of Stock or Equity |
$ | $ | Pension |
$ | $ | 401(k) Contribution |
$ | $ | Reimbursement Expenses |
$ | $ | Insurance Premiums |
$ | $ | Travel Expenses |
$ | $ | Moving Expenses |
$ | $ | Property Taxes |
$ | $ | State, Local Taxes |
$ | $ | Other Expenses (specify) |
$ | $ | $ (Difference +/-) |
Money Can’t Buy Happiness (Other Considerations)
Compensation shouldn’t be the sole reason for making a career move. For most professionals, non-tangibles such as commute time; flexibility; lifestyle (i.e. beach vs mountains); professional development; and upward career opportunities are equal to, or greater than, money. Regardless of where compensation ranks on your list of priorities, it’s important to know the true value of a job offer. If the value, firm culture, and career opportunity are all in line with your needs and wants, you can be confident in accepting the position.
Career Wellness
As a career coach and recruiter, specializing in public accounting, I help professionals work on issues like these daily. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
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