Michael Sterling

Top Podcast Picks


I’m always interested in suggestions on professional and personal development videos to watch. If you’re on the hunt for something to tune into while chilling out, here are some top podcast picks from a few of us here at SterlingFreeman.


The Team’s Top ‘Tune Ins’


Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career, by Larry Smith

Recommended by: Michael Sterling, Managing Director.

Connect with me on LinkedIn.


The Happy Secret to Better Work, by Shawn Achor

Recommended by: Nancy Allison, Development Director & Senior Recruitment Advisor – Western U.S.

Connect with Nancy on LinkedIn


Dare to Disagree, by Margaret Heffernan

Recommended by Gary Simpson, Senior Recruitment Advisor – N.E. and Ohio Valley

Connect with Gary on LinkedIn.


15 Forrest Gump Quotes that Will Change your Outlook on Life, by Flavia Medrut

Recommended by Danielle Lyndes, Recruitment Advisor – Midwest U.S.

Connect with Danielle on LinkedIn.


How Great Leaders Inspire Action, by Simon Sinek

Recommended by Kevin Randolph, Recruitment Advisor – Southeast U.S.

Connect with Kevin on LinkedIn.


4 Leadership Skills Everyone Needs to Have, by Alex Williams

Recommended by Maria Williams, Director of Recruiting Services

Connect with Maria on LinkedIn.


SterlingFreeman specializes in career coaching and recruiting for Public Accounting. Interested in more career nutrition? Check out the Career Wellness section of the SterlingFreeman website.


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