Michael Sterling
Fear Change? Here’s The Main Reason Why

  How many of you embrace change? Do you roll with the punches or cling to a routine? If you fear change, here’s the main reason why – a lack of confidence. Psychologists report that confidence is the number one personality trait of individuals who adeptly deal with change.   Confident people, with high self-esteem, […]

Michael Sterling
How to Pull the Plug on Passive-Aggressive Behavior

  I once saw a definition of someone who is passive-aggressive as “annoying turd.” I laughed. Then, I realized that humor is one of the best ways to pull the plug on passive-aggressive  behavior.   We all know at least one passive-aggressive person. When we come across a passive-aggressive person in the workplace, dealing with […]

Michael Sterling
How to Tackle the Career Control Conundrum

  Career control is a conundrum.  Is your career in the hands of your manager(s), co-workers or family? Sure – to a degree. Without the proper support from those around you, it can be tough to build career momentum. However, professional success is truly yours to own. You’re in the driver’s seat. No one is […]

Michael Sterling
The Unexpected Reason You Need a Vacation!

  It’s summer. As a kid, it was the time of year I loved most. Summer meant days filled with fun rather than school work. Today summer still holds a special place, even if work now blends seamlessly with summer.   When I think back on counting the days to summer break, I realize what […]

Michael Sterling
Your Story is Key to Professional Success

Storytelling for Professional Success   Some professionals have a knack for telling stories that explain in vivid terms a concept. The ability to develop and articulate your story is key to professional success. If you don’t have that natural talent, you can learn to use stories in a way that’s effective. Here’s why it’s so […]

Michael Sterling
Your Career Depends on These – 11 Qualities for Success

11 Aspects of Executive Presence   So let’s say you’ve just been passed over for promotion to a leadership position. You hear you almost got the job but the other guy got it because of “his strong executive presence.”   You think you know what they’re talking about but all the same, you don’t feel […]

Michael Sterling
Psst: You Need Executive Presence – Here’s Why

What Defines Executive Presence?   Has this ever happened in your firm?   Someone is promoted to a leadership position. This person successfully competed against other qualified candidates, some of whom you know are just as experienced and smart. You ask yourself, “Why him?” … or, “Why her?”   Soon you hear that it was […]

Michael Sterling
7 Free Websites to Boost Your Success

  If you’re waiting for success to find you – you’re doing it wrong.  Success doesn’t just happen. Continuous learning, growing and trial and error is what enables us to be more successful.   The good news is learning can be fun and FREE! I’ve found seven worthy websites where you can go to grow […]

Michael Sterling
3 Time-Savers You Should Do More of Starting Today

  We’re a little more than a week into the new year. Last year flew by. This year will too. Short of making time stand still, I’m working to squeeze more time from each day, month and year. What about you? Are there 3 time-savers you should do more of starting today?   I’ve identified three […]

Michael Sterling
7 Traits of Highly Successful Public Accountants

  Every individual has potential. Their own set of skills and abilities. However, not every person reaches their potential. Truly successful people do things a little differently. It’s what sets them apart from the pack.   I work exclusively with public accountants – as a coach and recruiter. Over the years, I’ve seen that the […]

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