Michael Sterling
Pssst… Here’s a Busy Season Secret That Can Change Your Career

  If you’re in public accounting, you’re bracing for busy season. Tax season is fraught with long hours, extreme workloads, exhaustion and fast-food-induced heartburn. No surprises there.   What is a surprise (and a well-kept secret) is that in the midst of the frenzy lies a prime time to land your ideal next job. That’s […]

Michael Sterling
Can’t Get To The Office? Get Your Head In The Cloud!

  Information at our finger-tips.  It’s the norm.  As a society, we are dependent upon the ease and accessibility of technology. Real-time traffic updates, weather notifications and even calorie tracking.   Yet more than half of CPAs are not ready or able to provide real time financial data to their clients. Shocking! There’s a resistance […]

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