Michael Sterling
14 Simple Truths About Success

  Truth is:   Life has already begun. This is not a test. You can’t push pause on life. Your every decision matters. Studying does not end after college. Knowledge is crucial. If you are not willing to be left behind, keep studying. Weaknesses don’t matter. Accept weaknesses. Everyone has them. The only things that […]

Michael Sterling
Culture Clash? Find a Better Match.

  How to Find an Accounting Firm with Values that Match Your Own!   Finding a firm that matches your core values means you must first take time for introspection. This requires that you are brutally honest with yourself. What’s important?  What’s not?   Only once you’ve clearly defined your core values, will you be successful […]

Michael Sterling
Your Resume Has ONE Job! Do It Right.

  Surprisingly Simple Steps To A Killer Accountant Resume   Call it a resume.  Call it a CV.  It’s a sales tool.   It’s job: to help you get in front of the hiring partner. Period!   Make it clean and concise. A resume is an ad, not a user’s guide.   The hard truth […]

Michael Sterling
Flashback: 10 Things Accountants Didn’t Have to Deal with 10 Years Ago

  Think about it. It wasn’t long ago that Slack, Facebook Live and Snapchat didn’t exist. Today, they’re go-to communication tools. The world is changing at a lightning pace.   I came across an article by Hitendra Patil of Pransform, Inc. which lists 10 things that Accountants must deal with today that weren’t a concern […]

Michael Sterling
Six Soft Skills Every Public Accountant Needs

  The Hard Facts about Soft Skills   In today’s workplace, your soft skills are as important, maybe more important, than your technical skills.   What are soft skills? They’re a cluster of personal qualities that make a person a good employee and co-worker. Solid soft skills are in demand.   Technical skills are often […]

Michael Sterling
Can’t Get To The Office? Get Your Head In The Cloud!

  Information at our finger-tips.  It’s the norm.  As a society, we are dependent upon the ease and accessibility of technology. Real-time traffic updates, weather notifications and even calorie tracking.   Yet more than half of CPAs are not ready or able to provide real time financial data to their clients. Shocking! There’s a resistance […]

Michael Sterling
Four Things Public Accountants Need to Change in 2016

  Welcome to 2016. Time for a reality check. Are you working like it’s 2016 or 2006?    If you haven’t completely dumped outdated ideas and processes, now’s the time for a change.  Let’s face it, public accounting is still clinging to some stale business beliefs.   CPAs need to regroup.  Maintaining solely compliance-focused, traditionalist […]

Michael Sterling
Leading from the Middle: How Leaders Emerge from the Middle

  Middle managers who succeed at leading upwards [Leading from the Middle, The Case for Middle Managers] are both skilled and artful in taking the reins to accomplish these tasks:   Establish goals Plan projects Organize people Execute projects on time and on budget   In order to lead from the middle of a firm, you must […]

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