Michael Sterling
The 6 Steps to Saying NO – and Not Getting Fired!

  Will saying “no” cripple your career? No!  In fact, saying “no” can help you succeed.   Seriously!   This is a tough concept for many to grasp. As a professional career coach for CPAs, I work on this issue a lot. However, you don’t need to be a public accountant to benefit from learning how […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Spreading A Virus At Work?

  No matter what business you’re in, working long hours creates a domino effect. I recently wrote about how over-working can harm you in “Are You Killing Yourself (And Your Productivity) With Long Hours.” However, work overload often also translates into rudeness. And, rudeness has its own impact on business.   For accountants, ‘busy season’ […]

Michael Sterling
Can You Ride The Bull? Accountant Career Tips

  The 8-Second Challenge!   I better make this quick.  The human attention span is now just 8 seconds.  The same amount of time a bull rider must hang on to a bucking bull for a “qualified ride” during competition.   Grabbing someone’s attention these days is a lot like trying to cling to a kicking […]

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