Michael Sterling
Are You Bored? Two Reasons Why…

  Can’t Get Your Mojo in Motion   It’s no wonder so many people count themselves among the zombies (see my last article: “The Walking Dead: How Changing Jobs Can Revive Your Career.”) who show up for work each day. When two-thirds of people report feeling tired or bored at work, it’s time to ask […]

Michael Sterling
The Walking Dead: How Changing Jobs Can Revive Your Career

  Beware: There are zombies in the workplace. Are you one of them?   If you’re a ‘Dead Head’, simply roaming through your daily work, you need to revitalize.  Often a job change is the best way to resurrect yourself and your career.   We all know changing jobs is stressful. As traumatic as leaving […]

Michael Sterling
Four Strategic Reasons for Changing Jobs

  Career Lookout: Climbing the Ladder of Success   There are many deeply personal reasons to change your employment situation. However, from a purely tactical point of view, there are four strategic reasons to change jobs within the same (or similar) career field three times during the first ten years of your career:   Broader […]

Michael Sterling
The Shocking Truth: Being Lazy Can Get You Hired!

  When I say “lazy”, I don’t mean a do-nothing. No firm wants dead-weight, a team member who sits around and accomplishes nothing.   I mean a lazy-learner. In this sense, lazy is actually a compliment. You see, lazy-learners look for the fastest, easiest way to do something.  They’re life-hackers. Lazy-learners simplify, stream-line and don’t […]

Michael Sterling
8 Funny Valentine’s Pick-Up Lines for Accountants

  Some Favorite Valentine Humor. Happy Valentine’s Day!   8 Funny Valentine’s Pick-Up Lines for Accountants   Your hot assets are making me want to form a partnership. Please, baby, let me withhold you. I’ll let you audit my assets if you let me audit yours. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see what’s in my […]

Michael Sterling
The Poisonous Personality Test: 5 Questions to Ask

  Whether you’re hiring or looking to be hired, knowing how to spot a poisonous personality can save you from a huge headache.   Poisonous personalities are toxic. Dealing with a toxic person at work makes life at the office miserable and un-productive. I detailed the disastrous effects of bad behavior in my blog “Warning: […]

Michael Sterling
Can You Ride The Bull? Accountant Career Tips

  The 8-Second Challenge!   I better make this quick.  The human attention span is now just 8 seconds.  The same amount of time a bull rider must hang on to a bucking bull for a “qualified ride” during competition.   Grabbing someone’s attention these days is a lot like trying to cling to a kicking […]

Michael Sterling
Can’t Get To The Office? Get Your Head In The Cloud!

  Information at our finger-tips.  It’s the norm.  As a society, we are dependent upon the ease and accessibility of technology. Real-time traffic updates, weather notifications and even calorie tracking.   Yet more than half of CPAs are not ready or able to provide real time financial data to their clients. Shocking! There’s a resistance […]

Michael Sterling
Four Things Public Accountants Need to Change in 2016

  Welcome to 2016. Time for a reality check. Are you working like it’s 2016 or 2006?    If you haven’t completely dumped outdated ideas and processes, now’s the time for a change.  Let’s face it, public accounting is still clinging to some stale business beliefs.   CPAs need to regroup.  Maintaining solely compliance-focused, traditionalist […]

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