Mid-Year Checklist – Are Your Goals on Track?
If you’re a fan of the TV show “Friends,” then you’ll understand when I say – “How you doin’?” It’s a question all professionals should ask themselves throughout the year. With just over half of 2017 gone – are your goals on track?
July is a great time to get a pulse-check on your goals. Is there a heartbeat or have your goals flat-lined? Assess the status with this five-step checklist.
Mid-Year Checklist
- Are your goals still goals? Did you set goals at the start of the year which no longer suit your needs and wants? Delete them from the list and replace them with current goals.
- Have you prioritized? Which goals are most important? Things can change during the first six months of a year. Make sure your priorities are clear.
- Do you have a plan? This is where I find professionals fool themselves. They think a plan is in place, but in reality it’s not. Be honest in assessing whether you have an actionable plan.
– What action steps are in place?
– How many action steps are in motion?
– What are the results to date?
- What gaps exist? When it comes to your career, a Career Gap Analysis is critical. Analyze the gap between where you are today and where you want to be. If the gap is wide – segment action steps into more manageable bites and begin to close that gap. If the gap is narrow – you’re nearly there! Close the gap and achieve your goal.
- Do you own it? Success isn’t achieved by wanting, wishing and waiting. You must own your goals. It’s not your employer’s responsibility to manage your career. You are responsible for your success.
I wish you the best of success with your goals this year – and every year. As a career coach and public accounting recruiter, I help public accounting professionals achieve their goals. Let me know if I can help you. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
Interested in more career nutrition? Check out the Career Wellness section of the SterlingFreeman website.