Michael Sterling
Need to Reduce Stress? Try Kindness!

  I recently saw a non-profit organization asking for people to carry holiday kindness on throughout the year. It was a sad reminder how quickly the spirit of the holiday season turns into the stress of getting “back-to-business.” Truth is, if you need to reduce stress – try kindness!   To some, it may sound […]

Michael Sterling
Ironclad Ways to Polish Your Professional Mojo

  Have you checked your mojo lately? Vocabulary.com defines Mojo as something that makes you popular, persuasive and successful. However, it’s not a permanent thing. Our mojo can go missing – or simply be a little tired or tarnished. So, it’s good to check it regularly and, if necessary, polish your professional mojo.   8 Ways […]

Michael Sterling
‘Drop the Mic’ Confidence – Winning at Work

  Have you noticed that confidence isn’t concrete? It’s fluid – it ebbs and flows. We all have our ups and downs. Some days you’ve got it, other days – not so much.   When it comes to our careers, we want to have more good than bad days. To do that, we need to […]

Michael Sterling
How to Tackle the Career Control Conundrum

  Career control is a conundrum.  Is your career in the hands of your manager(s), co-workers or family? Sure – to a degree. Without the proper support from those around you, it can be tough to build career momentum. However, professional success is truly yours to own. You’re in the driver’s seat. No one is […]

Michael Sterling
Are you a Click-Addict? Don’t Hit ‘Send’ Because You Can.

  On-line job applications are a blessing and a curse. Who doesn’t love the immediacy and ease of sending a resume with the click of a button?  However, use a strategic plan – and some common sense in your search. Don’t hit ‘send’ because you can. Think before you click.   I happened upon a […]

Michael Sterling
7 Productivity Potholes

  How many times have you wondered where the day went? One minute it’s 8am, the next it’s 8pm. Did you get as much done as you wanted? Chances are the answer is – NO!   We always think we’re being productive, when actually we’ve hit numerous productivity potholes. The potholes aren’t large enough to […]

Michael Sterling
The Unexpected Reason You Need a Vacation!

  It’s summer. As a kid, it was the time of year I loved most. Summer meant days filled with fun rather than school work. Today summer still holds a special place, even if work now blends seamlessly with summer.   When I think back on counting the days to summer break, I realize what […]

Michael Sterling
13 Hidden Ways to Fail an Interview

  I think most job seekers know the basics in interview etiquette. Dress the part, do your research, prepare intelligent responses and ask quality questions. These are core elements of a successful interview.   Let’s say you nailed the basics – and still received the dreaded mail-bot auto message thanking you for your time, but […]

Michael Sterling
Your Smile Isn’t Going to Get You Promoted

What Really Matters on the Ladder of Success   I’ve been writing about the importance of executive presence. Developing executive presence is a cornerstone in the effort to build your personal brand.   “We need leaders who model high social intelligence…who appeal to our higher selves and invite us to grow as individuals and as […]

Michael Sterling
7 Fast Tension Tamers for Busy Season

If you’re a public accountant, you’re face-down in tax season and the stress that goes hand-in-hand with the intense hours and strict deadlines. IRS to the rescue! No, not that IRS. Immediately Relieving Stress (I.R.S.) will save your sanity and improve productivity.  Try these 7 tension tamers for busy season – right at your desk. […]

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