Michael Sterling
Fear Change? Here’s The Main Reason Why

  How many of you embrace change? Do you roll with the punches or cling to a routine? If you fear change, here’s the main reason why – a lack of confidence. Psychologists report that confidence is the number one personality trait of individuals who adeptly deal with change.   Confident people, with high self-esteem, […]

Michael Sterling
How to Pull the Plug on Passive-Aggressive Behavior

  I once saw a definition of someone who is passive-aggressive as “annoying turd.” I laughed. Then, I realized that humor is one of the best ways to pull the plug on passive-aggressive  behavior.   We all know at least one passive-aggressive person. When we come across a passive-aggressive person in the workplace, dealing with […]

Michael Sterling
Our Team’s Top Tune-Ins: TED Talks and More

  Truth is: I’m a bit of an internet junkie. I enjoy relaxing at the end of the day by submerging myself into YouTube. I find lots of great material there from old Seinfeld favorites to silly memes and inspirational TEDTalks. Some of the videos I gravitate to most are personal and professional development topics. […]

Michael Sterling
How to Tackle the Career Control Conundrum

  Career control is a conundrum.  Is your career in the hands of your manager(s), co-workers or family? Sure – to a degree. Without the proper support from those around you, it can be tough to build career momentum. However, professional success is truly yours to own. You’re in the driver’s seat. No one is […]

Michael Sterling
Amazingly Simple Steps to Turn Happiness into Success

  Happiness and success are often viewed as the same thing. They’re not. One doesn’t equal the other. However, I believe that happiness leads to success. It’s the fuel our brains need to drive us towards our goals.   Funneling happiness into your career has been proven, by decades of research, to directly impact professional […]

Michael Sterling
Two Elusive Traits for Success

  What makes someone successful? In a sense, success is a puzzle we all must assemble. Piece-by-piece we put together the elements necessary for professional success.   If you’ve ever put together a puzzle, you know it’s essential to create the framework first. Once the framework, or foundation, is in place it’s easier to fill […]

Michael Sterling
The Unexpected Reason You Need a Vacation!

  It’s summer. As a kid, it was the time of year I loved most. Summer meant days filled with fun rather than school work. Today summer still holds a special place, even if work now blends seamlessly with summer.   When I think back on counting the days to summer break, I realize what […]

Michael Sterling
Character Counts – How to Leave a Job Gracefully

  Imagine a co-worker who trashes his cubicle, plays practical jokes on his replacement and slinks off with the copier on his last day of work. Is this a person you’d recommend to a prospective employer?  Or expect your firm to rehire? Or expect team members to want to work with again? Probably not.   […]

Michael Sterling
Your Smile Isn’t Going to Get You Promoted

What Really Matters on the Ladder of Success   I’ve been writing about the importance of executive presence. Developing executive presence is a cornerstone in the effort to build your personal brand.   “We need leaders who model high social intelligence…who appeal to our higher selves and invite us to grow as individuals and as […]

Michael Sterling
6 Sure Fire Ways to Build Your Personal Brand

  In the past few weeks, I’ve been writing about the important of executive presence. Developing executive presence is a cornerstone in the effort to build your personal brand.   Author and management consultant, Karl Albrecht names Executive Presence as one of the five pillars of social intelligence:   Presence: Often referred to as “bearing,” […]

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