Michael Sterling
Three APPsolutely Must-Have Apps

  Love a great app? I have three new favorites! I recommend you check these out.   Hemingway Editor   For anyone who wants an amazingly easy way to write more concise, clear and….wait for it…error-free, Hemingway will be your best buddy.  Just copy and paste what you’ve written into Hemingway and it will edit […]

Michael Sterling
How to Batch Your Way to Better Organization

  Have you heard of Batching?  It rhythms with matching – and that’s basically the beauty of Batching!   I just recently embraced Batching on a daily basis.  Oh sure, in essence, I’ve been working to batch daily tasks for years.  Now, I do it deliberately.   Let me explain.  Batching is grouping like items […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Killing Yourself (And Your Productivity) With Long Hours?

  Busy season is, well, busy!  However, busy is not synonymous with productive. Too many people equate these two words. There’s a belief that working long hours is a badge of honor. Wrong.   Working long hours is actually counter-productive. It’s unhealthy and can be deadly.   As public accounting ramps up for busy season, […]

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