Michael Sterling
Self-Preservation 101: 9 Ways to Say “No!”

  You’re busy. You’re in demand. You’re stressed. Sound familiar? If you find you’re always stretched too thin, it’s time for a crash course in self-preservation.   Whether it’s the boss, a co-worker, spouse or community group – we deal with a variety of demands for our time. Regardless if you’re being asked to take […]

Michael Sterling
Pssst… Here’s a Busy Season Secret That Can Change Your Career

  If you’re in public accounting, you’re bracing for busy season. Tax season is fraught with long hours, extreme workloads, exhaustion and fast-food-induced heartburn. No surprises there.   What is a surprise (and a well-kept secret) is that in the midst of the frenzy lies a prime time to land your ideal next job. That’s […]

Michael Sterling
Need to Reduce Stress? Try Kindness!

  I recently saw a non-profit organization asking for people to carry holiday kindness on throughout the year. It was a sad reminder how quickly the spirit of the holiday season turns into the stress of getting “back-to-business.” Truth is, if you need to reduce stress – try kindness!   To some, it may sound […]

Michael Sterling
7 Fast Tension Tamers for Busy Season

If you’re a public accountant, you’re face-down in tax season and the stress that goes hand-in-hand with the intense hours and strict deadlines. IRS to the rescue! No, not that IRS. Immediately Relieving Stress (I.R.S.) will save your sanity and improve productivity.  Try these 7 tension tamers for busy season – right at your desk. […]

Michael Sterling
7 Kick-Butt Ways to Attack Busy Season Chaos

  No two words strike dread into the heart of public accountants quite like – Busy Season.   The Urban Dictionary defines Busy Season as:   A period of the year in public accounting designated by mandatory 55+ hour work weeks, weight gain, decreased sexual activity, increased alcohol consumption, late nights, tickmarks, excel, ineptitude, and […]

Michael Sterling
Busy Season Problems: Using Stress to Make You Smarter!

  As knowledge workers in the 21st century, our success depends on having a healthy, functioning brain. What can leading neuroscientists teach us about stress, effective coping skills and peak performance in the workplace?   While you cannot completely eliminate stress, you can make it work for you to improve your brain’s ability to function. […]

Michael Sterling
7 Quick Tension Tamers for Tax Season

  If you’re a CPA, you’re face-down in tax season and the stress that goes hand-in-hand with the intense hours and strict deadlines. IRS to the rescue! Not that IRS.  Immediately Relieving Stress (I.R.S.) will save your sanity and improve productivity.   I.R.S. (Immediately Relieving Stress) at your Desk   Recently, I wrote about how […]

Michael Sterling
Can’t Get To The Office? Get Your Head In The Cloud!

  Information at our finger-tips.  It’s the norm.  As a society, we are dependent upon the ease and accessibility of technology. Real-time traffic updates, weather notifications and even calorie tracking.   Yet more than half of CPAs are not ready or able to provide real time financial data to their clients. Shocking! There’s a resistance […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Killing Yourself (And Your Productivity) With Long Hours?

  Busy season is, well, busy!  However, busy is not synonymous with productive. Too many people equate these two words. There’s a belief that working long hours is a badge of honor. Wrong.   Working long hours is actually counter-productive. It’s unhealthy and can be deadly.   As public accounting ramps up for busy season, […]

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