Michael Sterling

  There’s a lot of talk about Wall Street lately. Big drops have investors worried. Regardless of whether it’s a Bull or Bear Market, there’s one investment everyone should make. It’s fool-proof. In fact, it’s clearly the best investment for the biggest payoff.   Investing in ourselves is by far the smartest thing each of […]

Michael Sterling
Need to Reduce Stress? Try Kindness!

  I recently saw a non-profit organization asking for people to carry holiday kindness on throughout the year. It was a sad reminder how quickly the spirit of the holiday season turns into the stress of getting “back-to-business.” Truth is, if you need to reduce stress – try kindness!   To some, it may sound […]

Michael Sterling
Ironclad Ways to Polish Your Professional Mojo

  Have you checked your mojo lately? Vocabulary.com defines Mojo as something that makes you popular, persuasive and successful. However, it’s not a permanent thing. Our mojo can go missing – or simply be a little tired or tarnished. So, it’s good to check it regularly and, if necessary, polish your professional mojo.   8 Ways […]

Michael Sterling
First Day Fails – Don’t Do These

  I’ve heard some pretty amusing first day of work stories. But really, messing up on the first day of a new job is not a laughing matter. It might seem strange to think, after all the effort involved in successfully obtaining an offer of employment, that someone would make a first-day faux pas. However, […]

Michael Sterling
‘Drop the Mic’ Confidence – Winning at Work

  Have you noticed that confidence isn’t concrete? It’s fluid – it ebbs and flows. We all have our ups and downs. Some days you’ve got it, other days – not so much.   When it comes to our careers, we want to have more good than bad days. To do that, we need to […]

Michael Sterling
Fear Change? Here’s The Main Reason Why

  How many of you embrace change? Do you roll with the punches or cling to a routine? If you fear change, here’s the main reason why – a lack of confidence. Psychologists report that confidence is the number one personality trait of individuals who adeptly deal with change.   Confident people, with high self-esteem, […]

Michael Sterling
11 Quotes to Get Your Rear in Gear

  Last week, I shared some of my team’s recommended TED Talks for professional growth.   Today, I want to share some inspiration. Some motivation.   It’s tax extension season. IRS deadlines are looming. Accountants are pedal to the metal to complete client extensions. If you are searching for a boost – something to give […]

Michael Sterling
Our Team’s Top Tune-Ins: TED Talks and More

  Truth is: I’m a bit of an internet junkie. I enjoy relaxing at the end of the day by submerging myself into YouTube. I find lots of great material there from old Seinfeld favorites to silly memes and inspirational TEDTalks. Some of the videos I gravitate to most are personal and professional development topics. […]

Michael Sterling
How to Tackle the Career Control Conundrum

  Career control is a conundrum.  Is your career in the hands of your manager(s), co-workers or family? Sure – to a degree. Without the proper support from those around you, it can be tough to build career momentum. However, professional success is truly yours to own. You’re in the driver’s seat. No one is […]

Michael Sterling
Amazingly Simple Steps to Turn Happiness into Success

  Happiness and success are often viewed as the same thing. They’re not. One doesn’t equal the other. However, I believe that happiness leads to success. It’s the fuel our brains need to drive us towards our goals.   Funneling happiness into your career has been proven, by decades of research, to directly impact professional […]

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