Michael Sterling
Retirement is a Four-Letter Word!

  Retirement – A Bad Word!   It’s simple…Boomers don’t like retirement. By that, I mean the actual word – retirement.   You see, Boomers view themselves as forever young.  Retiring is something their parents’ did. Boomers have never done things the way their parents did. Retirement is no different.   If you’re one of […]

Michael Sterling
Ready? Set? No! (A CPA M&A Plan)

  Are You Procrastinating Your Retirement?   You know who you are.  A partner or sole owner of a small or mid-sized accounting firm with a succession plan that’s somewhere between ‘Optimistic’ and ‘Nonexistent’.   You know the facts.  Much has been written about Public Accounting being in a state of transition. Two-thirds of partners […]

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