Michael Sterling
7 Free Websites to Boost Your Success

  If you’re waiting for success to find you – you’re doing it wrong.  Success doesn’t just happen. Continuous learning, growing and trial and error is what enables us to be more successful.   The good news is learning can be fun and FREE! I’ve found seven worthy websites where you can go to grow […]

Michael Sterling
The Surprising Reason You’re Squashing Your Potential

  You may know the adage – “What Consumes Your Mind Controls Your Life.” For many, life is consumed by work, family, and ‘life’s chores’ – the house maintenance, car maintenance, and even our personal maintenance. Much of our day-to-day life is made up of mindless activities. Sure they are necessary, but are they squashing […]

Michael Sterling
Brace for Impact – 7 Signs Your Career is Crashing

  Remember the feeling you had when you graduated college? At that moment, you’re on Cloud 9 ready to soar. It’s a rush – the euphoria of “there’s no stopping me now.” No where to go but up, right? That is, until there isn’t. Is it that you’ve simply hit a head-wind or have the engines […]

Michael Sterling
Kick Procrastination to the Curb in 5 Steps

  Benjamin Franklin said it best – “Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today.”   But, it’s not really that easy. Right? Procrastination is alive and well and living amongst us. In fact, procrastination is possibly the #1 career killer.   If you’re guilty of putting things off until you find yourself […]

Michael Sterling
14 Simple Truths About Success

  Truth is:   Life has already begun. This is not a test. You can’t push pause on life. Your every decision matters. Studying does not end after college. Knowledge is crucial. If you are not willing to be left behind, keep studying. Weaknesses don’t matter. Accept weaknesses. Everyone has them. The only things that […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Bored – Or Boring?

  The Brain Science Behind Boredom   In my last article, “Are You Bored? Two Reasons Why…”, I detailed the first two, of six, reasons why your professional drive may be in low gear.   3 More Reasons People Are Bored at Work:    Part of the reason two-thirds of people aren’t enthusiastically engaged in […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Bored? Two Reasons Why…

  Can’t Get Your Mojo in Motion   It’s no wonder so many people count themselves among the zombies (see my last article: “The Walking Dead: How Changing Jobs Can Revive Your Career.”) who show up for work each day. When two-thirds of people report feeling tired or bored at work, it’s time to ask […]

Michael Sterling
The Walking Dead: How Changing Jobs Can Revive Your Career

  Beware: There are zombies in the workplace. Are you one of them?   If you’re a ‘Dead Head’, simply roaming through your daily work, you need to revitalize.  Often a job change is the best way to resurrect yourself and your career.   We all know changing jobs is stressful. As traumatic as leaving […]

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