Michael Sterling
The Secret-Sauce of Successful Job Interviews

  Your killer resume just got you a job interview. Great! You prepare a professional outfit, thoroughly research the firm, craft powerful responses to every potential question and create a list of your own quality questions for the interviewer. What could go wrong? Well, if you’re lacking this single thing – skip the job interview, […]

Michael Sterling
70 Verbs to Beef Up Your CV

  Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter V.  V as in: Verb and CV – curriculum vitae.   We all know a verb describes an action, state, or occurrence. CVs, or resumes, are chock-full of verbs. They’re used to draw attention to accomplishments. However, most resumes are also filled with the same, mundane […]

Michael Sterling
What’s Your Relationship with Stress?

  If I had to post a status update regarding my relationship with stress, it would be – “It’s Complicated.”  I have a love/hate relationship with stress. It’s an on and off kind of thing. What’s your relationship with stress?   Stress is a great motivator. For that, I love it. It keeps me pushing […]

Michael Sterling

  There’s a lot of talk about Wall Street lately. Big drops have investors worried. Regardless of whether it’s a Bull or Bear Market, there’s one investment everyone should make. It’s fool-proof. In fact, it’s clearly the best investment for the biggest payoff.   Investing in ourselves is by far the smartest thing each of […]

Michael Sterling
Push Past Procrastination

  We all face ‘those’ days. The days we drag our feet on projects and priorities. It’s called procrastinating and if you suffer from procrastination – you’re not alone.   Research shows that procrastination seriously affects 20% of the population and that 40% of people have had financial loss due to putting things off. Moreover, […]

Michael Sterling
Pssst… Here’s a Busy Season Secret That Can Change Your Career

  If you’re in public accounting, you’re bracing for busy season. Tax season is fraught with long hours, extreme workloads, exhaustion and fast-food-induced heartburn. No surprises there.   What is a surprise (and a well-kept secret) is that in the midst of the frenzy lies a prime time to land your ideal next job. That’s […]

Michael Sterling
What One Word Defines Your 2018 Goals?

  Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of the KISS principle – ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’. The principle is based upon the idea that things work best when kept simple and uncomplicated. The ‘one word’ concept falls right in line with that. I want you to focus on a single word. What one word defines your 2018 goals?   […]

Michael Sterling
The 12 Rules for Resumes

  Resumes seem to fall into two categories: a rival to War & Peace or something which could be etched onto a thimble with little to any detail. The trick is to balance information and length. You want your resume to be easily scanned by the eye, as well as to sell your skills and […]

Michael Sterling
Simple Steps to Making Career Strides in 2018

  The start of a new year always reminds me of the saying, “Wherever you go, there you are.” We all talk about a fresh start for the new year. In reality, we carry our baggage with us. What has really changed? Nothing, unless we choose to make changes.   If your goal is to […]

Michael Sterling
First Day Fails – Don’t Do These

  I’ve heard some pretty amusing first day of work stories. But really, messing up on the first day of a new job is not a laughing matter. It might seem strange to think, after all the effort involved in successfully obtaining an offer of employment, that someone would make a first-day faux pas. However, […]

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