Michael Sterling
The Big Mistake Keeping You from that Flex-Time Job

  Are you searching for a flex-time job? Great news – they do exist! Many employers are seeing the benefits of offering flex-time. Great talent is tough to find. When a strong applicant is identified, employers are increasingly more open to accommodating flex-time needs.   The reality is –  life is full of special circumstances. […]

Michael Sterling
How Does Your Benefits Package Stack Up?

  There are two things job seekers consistently ask about – salary and benefits. More than half of U.S. workers say benefits are a top consideration in accepting a job or staying at their current job. How does your benefits package stack up?   For many, benefits are of greater value than salary. In fact, […]

Michael Sterling
Top Podcast Picks

  I’m always interested in suggestions on professional and personal development videos to watch. If you’re on the hunt for something to tune into while chilling out, here are some top podcast picks from a few of us here at SterlingFreeman.   The Team’s Top ‘Tune Ins’   Why You Will Fail to Have a […]

Michael Sterling
Your Playlist May Help You Get Hired – Or Not!

  What tunes are on your playlist? Jazz? Rock? Rap? The answer will likely reveal your personality. Knowing your musical preference is a great way for a potential employer to get a glimpse of who you are. Interesting, right? The fact is, your playlist may help get you hired – or not!   In an […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Lonely at Work? (And What That Means)

Are you surrounded by co-workers and yet somehow feel alone? Loneliness isn’t a condition of being alone – it’s a mental state. If you feel lonely at work it’s likely due to a disconnect in your workplace.   Many employers worry that employees who work remotely will feel isolated. The fact is, it’s just as […]

Michael Sterling
Office Outcast? 7 Reasons You’re Not Likable.

  You may be the smartest person in the room, but your likeability has a huge impact on your value in the workplace. If you’re the office outcast, your chances for success are diminished. Career ladders are climbed by those who have experience and knowledge as well as a high likeability factor.   Many believe […]

Michael Sterling
Does Your Luck Suck?

  How much of your success is based on luck? It’s really a matter of perspective. Does your luck suck? If you believe in bad luck, you’ll have a greater chance of finding it. I tend to agree with Abraham Lincoln who said, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”   If you believe […]

Michael Sterling
Mad or Glad? Conveying Emotions in Email

Remember verbal communication? Once upon a time, conversations were held in person and phones were used for talking and not texting. Alright, I admit I text and email as much as anyone. It’s how things get done in our fast-paced world. It’s also how messages are easily misunderstood. Ever wonder what your boss, client or […]

Michael Sterling
Life Hack: Use Your Body Clock for Peak Productivity

  Are you a morning person or a night owl? The “I Don’t Do Mornings” coffee mug may be fun, but actually knowing when you are at your best is key to success. In fact, scientists are learning more and more about how we each much use our body clock for peak productivity.   Last […]

Michael Sterling
Captain’s Log: Increase Productivity to Warp Speed

  Where does time go? One minute it’s 8am – next it’s 8pm. Poof! The day evaporated.   We’re all captains of our ship – navigating our way. We plot a course for our days, weeks and months. To make the most of our time, we must increase productivity to warp speed.   I’ve found […]

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