Michael Sterling
How’s Your Career Cred? A 5-Step Reputation Checklist

  Whether you’re early in your career or high on the ladder, your reputation is the foundation of your personal brand. So, let’s get straight to the point – how’s your ‘Career Cred?’ Like ‘Street Cred’, Career Cred is how other professionals view you – your popularity and acceptance by your professional peers. In short […]

Michael Sterling
Risks of Resigning: The Retaliation Strike

  Here’s the scenario: You have resigned from your job to move to a great new opportunity and are firm on your decision. All good, right? Maybe not. There are proven risks of resigning. Keep your guard up for a possible retaliation strike.   Why? Because unless you know how to diffuse your current employer’s […]

Michael Sterling
Character Counts – How to Leave a Job Gracefully

  Imagine a co-worker who trashes his cubicle, plays practical jokes on his replacement and slinks off with the copier on his last day of work. Is this a person you’d recommend to a prospective employer?  Or expect your firm to rehire? Or expect team members to want to work with again? Probably not.   […]

Michael Sterling
Exit Strategy: How to Resign the Right Way

  If you’re in Public Accounting, you may be caught up in the flurry of the post busy season job search. In my last article,13 Hidden Ways to Fail an Interview, I outlined the most common ways candidates bomb an interview without knowing it. Now, let’s say that, instead of an interview being a flop, […]

Michael Sterling
Your Smile Isn’t Going to Get You Promoted

What Really Matters on the Ladder of Success   I’ve been writing about the importance of executive presence. Developing executive presence is a cornerstone in the effort to build your personal brand.   “We need leaders who model high social intelligence…who appeal to our higher selves and invite us to grow as individuals and as […]

Michael Sterling
Your Story is Key to Professional Success

Storytelling for Professional Success   Some professionals have a knack for telling stories that explain in vivid terms a concept. The ability to develop and articulate your story is key to professional success. If you don’t have that natural talent, you can learn to use stories in a way that’s effective. Here’s why it’s so […]

Michael Sterling
Psst: You Need Executive Presence – Here’s Why

What Defines Executive Presence?   Has this ever happened in your firm?   Someone is promoted to a leadership position. This person successfully competed against other qualified candidates, some of whom you know are just as experienced and smart. You ask yourself, “Why him?” … or, “Why her?”   Soon you hear that it was […]

Michael Sterling
7 Free Websites to Boost Your Success

  If you’re waiting for success to find you – you’re doing it wrong.  Success doesn’t just happen. Continuous learning, growing and trial and error is what enables us to be more successful.   The good news is learning can be fun and FREE! I’ve found seven worthy websites where you can go to grow […]

Michael Sterling
What Does A Job Really Pay? This Worksheet Uncovers the Truth

  Should you stay or should you go? Let’s face it, compensation is a key factor in weighing a job offer. But what does a job really pay?   When considering relocating for a new job, few people take the time to really understand their economic choices, mostly because there are so many hidden factors, such […]

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