There’s a lot of talk about Wall Street lately. Big drops have investors worried. Regardless of whether it’s a Bull or Bear Market, there’s one investment everyone should make. It’s fool-proof. In fact, it’s clearly the best investment for the biggest payoff.
Investing in ourselves is by far the smartest thing each of us can do. It yields the brightest future. Making yourself a priority for personal and professional growth is guaranteed to result in the largest gains and the most significant ROI (Return On Investment).
The amount that you invest in yourself directly determines your health, wealth and happiness. The personal payoff is powerful.
Unlike on Wall Street, there’s no fear of investing poorly or losing your shirt on a deal gone bad. Personal investing is pure profit. You walk away the winner every time.
7 Ways to Invest in YOU – The Best Investment for the Biggest Payoff
Feed Your Brain. Embrace continuous learning. Take a CPE (Continuing Professional Education) course. Attend a professional lecture. Read a professional or personal development book or learn a new skill by watching a podcast or tutorial.
Trust Your Instincts. Let your gut guide you. No one knows you better than you. Learn to listen to your instincts. You’ll make faster, smarter, better decisions when you allow your own experience, self-awareness and feelings to lead you.
Hone Your Decision-Making. Decision making comes from self-confidence. When you are confident and sure of your goals and abilities, you recognize where you are and where you want to go which, in turn, makes life’s tough decisions easy.
Have a Bucket List. Your bucket list and your goals can overlap – but they shouldn’t be identical. A bucket list should be infused with creativity and a dash of daring. A list of things that will enhance you –broaden your horizon and expose you to new ideas, thoughts and activities. When you satisfy your wildest dreams – you realize anything is possible.
Give Yourself a Report Card. Hold a performance review for yourself. Do a quarterly check. Are you on track both professional and personally? Did you make any blunders? Have any major wins? Adjust your planned activities for the next quarter to insure you stay on track.
Evaluate Your Finances. Investing in yourself also means being financially savvy. Keep a pulse check on your savings, cash flow and long-term goals.
Be Well. Do whatever works for you to be healthy. Whether you’re a fan of a daily fitness routine or someone who focuses on organic, whole foods – make wellness a habit.
How do you plan to invest in you this year? Leave me a comment. And connect with me on LinkedIn.
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