Michael Sterling
Simple Steps to Making Career Strides in 2018

  The start of a new year always reminds me of the saying, “Wherever you go, there you are.” We all talk about a fresh start for the new year. In reality, we carry our baggage with us. What has really changed? Nothing, unless we choose to make changes.   If your goal is to […]

Michael Sterling
First Day Fails – Don’t Do These

  I’ve heard some pretty amusing first day of work stories. But really, messing up on the first day of a new job is not a laughing matter. It might seem strange to think, after all the effort involved in successfully obtaining an offer of employment, that someone would make a first-day faux pas. However, […]

Michael Sterling
Simple Gestures to Say Thanks to Your Colleagues

  In honor of Thanksgiving and the holidays ahead, I want to say a heart-felt Thank You to all my professional colleagues and social media connections. It’s a pleasure to meet and work with so many accomplished individuals.   Like many offices throughout the U.S., we held a lunch to celebrate Thanksgiving as a team. […]

Michael Sterling
Why Advice is Like Candy

  We’ve all been told to never take candy from a stranger. Advice should come with the same warning. We often look to, and accept advice from, the wrong people.   Career mentors are invaluable. They offer guidance, coaching and act as a safe sounding board. Having the right mentors throughout one’s career helps to […]

Michael Sterling

  If you’ve ever seen the movie “Up” then you’re familiar with Dug the dog being distracted by a squirrel. There are lots of squirrels in life – especially at the office. In order to minimize those disruptions, I use a number of trusted methods to defeat distractions.   9 Hacks to Defeat Distractions   Alexa. […]

Michael Sterling
How Long is Too Long to Respond to a Job Offer?

  When I am asked how long is too long to respond to a job offer, my answer is short – 72 hours.   Three days is a reasonable time to request from a potential employer to consider a job offer and respond with a decision. This time frame provides adequate opportunity to gather your […]

Michael Sterling
Describe Yourself (9 Great Answers for Accountants)

Describe yourself in a few words. Can you? Most likely, a number of adjectives come to mind. Perhaps you’re a dog-loving, travel enthusiast and die-hard Packers fan. Great! Nice description. Except if you’re in a job interview.   If you consider winning the blue ribbon in the city-wide chili cook-off each year an integral part […]

Michael Sterling

  When you hear ‘business casual’ what comes to mind? Business casual has become a standard dress code in many offices. Yet, many professionals are really unclear on what the term means. And far too many people emphasize the casual and forget about the business.   Your appearance doesn’t determine your professional competency, but it […]

Michael Sterling
‘Drop the Mic’ Confidence – Winning at Work

  Have you noticed that confidence isn’t concrete? It’s fluid – it ebbs and flows. We all have our ups and downs. Some days you’ve got it, other days – not so much.   When it comes to our careers, we want to have more good than bad days. To do that, we need to […]

Michael Sterling
Fear Change? Here’s The Main Reason Why

  How many of you embrace change? Do you roll with the punches or cling to a routine? If you fear change, here’s the main reason why – a lack of confidence. Psychologists report that confidence is the number one personality trait of individuals who adeptly deal with change.   Confident people, with high self-esteem, […]

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