Michael Sterling
7 CPA Career Mistakes

  If you’ve been working hard for any length of time, chances are you’ve experienced at least one humiliating career failure. Career “hiccups” can kill your spirit and make it difficult to regain your motivation and drive.   Some of the “bad” things that happen to hardworking, well-meaning, capable people each day include:   Missing […]

Michael Sterling
Can You Ride The Bull? Accountant Career Tips

  The 8-Second Challenge!   I better make this quick.  The human attention span is now just 8 seconds.  The same amount of time a bull rider must hang on to a bucking bull for a “qualified ride” during competition.   Grabbing someone’s attention these days is a lot like trying to cling to a kicking […]

Michael Sterling
Can’t Get To The Office? Get Your Head In The Cloud!

  Information at our finger-tips.  It’s the norm.  As a society, we are dependent upon the ease and accessibility of technology. Real-time traffic updates, weather notifications and even calorie tracking.   Yet more than half of CPAs are not ready or able to provide real time financial data to their clients. Shocking! There’s a resistance […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Killing Yourself (And Your Productivity) With Long Hours?

  Busy season is, well, busy!  However, busy is not synonymous with productive. Too many people equate these two words. There’s a belief that working long hours is a badge of honor. Wrong.   Working long hours is actually counter-productive. It’s unhealthy and can be deadly.   As public accounting ramps up for busy season, […]

Michael Sterling
Four Things Public Accountants Need to Change in 2016

  Welcome to 2016. Time for a reality check. Are you working like it’s 2016 or 2006?    If you haven’t completely dumped outdated ideas and processes, now’s the time for a change.  Let’s face it, public accounting is still clinging to some stale business beliefs.   CPAs need to regroup.  Maintaining solely compliance-focused, traditionalist […]

Michael Sterling
Leading from the Middle: How Leaders Emerge from the Middle

  Middle managers who succeed at leading upwards [Leading from the Middle, The Case for Middle Managers] are both skilled and artful in taking the reins to accomplish these tasks:   Establish goals Plan projects Organize people Execute projects on time and on budget   In order to lead from the middle of a firm, you must […]

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