Michael Sterling
Retirement is a Four-Letter Word!

  Retirement – A Bad Word!   It’s simple…Boomers don’t like retirement. By that, I mean the actual word – retirement.   You see, Boomers view themselves as forever young.  Retiring is something their parents’ did. Boomers have never done things the way their parents did. Retirement is no different.   If you’re one of […]

Michael Sterling
Four Strategic Reasons for Changing Jobs

  Career Lookout: Climbing the Ladder of Success   There are many deeply personal reasons to change your employment situation. However, from a purely tactical point of view, there are four strategic reasons to change jobs within the same (or similar) career field three times during the first ten years of your career:   Broader […]

Michael Sterling
Ready? Set? No! (A CPA M&A Plan)

  Are You Procrastinating Your Retirement?   You know who you are.  A partner or sole owner of a small or mid-sized accounting firm with a succession plan that’s somewhere between ‘Optimistic’ and ‘Nonexistent’.   You know the facts.  Much has been written about Public Accounting being in a state of transition. Two-thirds of partners […]

Michael Sterling
The Shocking Truth: Being Lazy Can Get You Hired!

  When I say “lazy”, I don’t mean a do-nothing. No firm wants dead-weight, a team member who sits around and accomplishes nothing.   I mean a lazy-learner. In this sense, lazy is actually a compliment. You see, lazy-learners look for the fastest, easiest way to do something.  They’re life-hackers. Lazy-learners simplify, stream-line and don’t […]

Michael Sterling
Have You Noticed? Your Leadership May Be Suffering.

  Noticing: An Elusive Leadership Skill. An Accountant’s Guide to Removing Blinders.    “Leaders often fail to notice when they are obsessed by other issues, when they are motivated to not notice, and when there are other people in their environment working hard to keep them from noticing.” ~ Harvard Business School Professor Max Bazerman, “The […]

Michael Sterling
7 Quick Tension Tamers for Tax Season

  If you’re a CPA, you’re face-down in tax season and the stress that goes hand-in-hand with the intense hours and strict deadlines. IRS to the rescue! Not that IRS.  Immediately Relieving Stress (I.R.S.) will save your sanity and improve productivity.   I.R.S. (Immediately Relieving Stress) at your Desk   Recently, I wrote about how […]

Michael Sterling
The 6 Steps to Saying NO – and Not Getting Fired!

  Will saying “no” cripple your career? No!  In fact, saying “no” can help you succeed.   Seriously!   This is a tough concept for many to grasp. As a professional career coach for CPAs, I work on this issue a lot. However, you don’t need to be a public accountant to benefit from learning how […]

Michael Sterling
8 Funny Valentine’s Pick-Up Lines for Accountants

  Some Favorite Valentine Humor. Happy Valentine’s Day!   8 Funny Valentine’s Pick-Up Lines for Accountants   Your hot assets are making me want to form a partnership. Please, baby, let me withhold you. I’ll let you audit my assets if you let me audit yours. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see what’s in my […]

Michael Sterling
The Poisonous Personality Test: 5 Questions to Ask

  Whether you’re hiring or looking to be hired, knowing how to spot a poisonous personality can save you from a huge headache.   Poisonous personalities are toxic. Dealing with a toxic person at work makes life at the office miserable and un-productive. I detailed the disastrous effects of bad behavior in my blog “Warning: […]

Michael Sterling
Are You Spreading A Virus At Work?

  No matter what business you’re in, working long hours creates a domino effect. I recently wrote about how over-working can harm you in “Are You Killing Yourself (And Your Productivity) With Long Hours.” However, work overload often also translates into rudeness. And, rudeness has its own impact on business.   For accountants, ‘busy season’ […]

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