Are You Bored? Two Reasons Why…
Can’t Get Your Mojo in Motion
It’s no wonder so many people count themselves among the zombies (see my last article: “The Walking Dead: How Changing Jobs Can Revive Your Career.”) who show up for work each day. When two-thirds of people report feeling tired or bored at work, it’s time to ask why—and what can be done to improve engagement?
As a career coach, I hear this a lot from professionals I work with… it’s either “I’m so bored,” or “I’m so tired all the time.” But it may not be either.
If you feel as though you’re going through the motions, without experiencing any real joy from your work, it’s time to address the underlying reasons. Boredom’s causes vary; I suggest you’ll need to stare reality in the face. See if you recognize any of these six hard truths. Here are the first two:
You’re on Autopilot
When we’re bored, our brains shift into autopilot—a problem for you and your company. Unfortunately, this is what our brains are hardwired to do best. Past experiences create neural pathways upon which our survival depends. The brain interprets your current reality and responds with behaviors that have served you well in the past. Such shortcuts help save time, but they can also sap your interest. Even worse, past behaviors may not fit current situations, leading you to make obvious and avoidable mistakes that have the potential to damage your reputation.
Your Energy Level is Low
When we’re bored, our energy level dissipates. We lose the essential focus and purpose required to engage in truly meaningful work. Our brains no longer work for us; in fact, they actually start to work against us.
The solution may be as simple as taking a break or getting some physical exercise to promote blood flow to your brain.
It’s dangerous to engage in negative thinking or self-talk about your lack of energy (i.e., attributing it to your personality, abilities or the nature of your job). These undermining messages exacerbate the problem, so treat them as a sign that you need to oxygenate your brain cells.
What’s your take on this? There are four more aspects that contribute to boredom that I’ll write about next: stay tuned.
For a career tips and guidance check out the free Career Wellness articles at SterlingFreeman.com.