7 Free Websites to Boost Your Success
If you’re waiting for success to find you – you’re doing it wrong. Success doesn’t just happen. Continuous learning, growing and trial and error is what enables us to be more successful.
The good news is learning can be fun and FREE! I’ve found seven worthy websites where you can go to grow your knowledge and boost your success.
7 Free Websites to Boost Your Success
Coursera offers a wide range of noteworthy courses. One of my favorites is their course on negotiation. Learn the best tactics of successful negotiation. You’ll find an arsenal of tips to hone your haggling skills for any number of uses – from business development to salary discussions or even a killer deal on a new vehicle.
iTunesU offers a diverse mix of topics. All subjects are easily categorized like iTunes music selections. Here you’ll find interesting educational podcasts and videos. Free options as well as paid content. All interface seamlessly with any Apple device.
BBC Podcasts are great for unique topics. Subjects like Grit & Resilience, Brain Drain, Anxiety, and Professional Shyness are presented in easy to digest bites.
Masterclass is where you can learn from the best of the best. Want to become a more compelling writer? Author James Patterson teaches how to write like a pro. The list of current courses change, so I recommend you check the site regularly for new material.
Memrise puts 300,000 courses at your fingertips. With an adaptive learning technique, the site uses scientific methods to configure lessons to your personal learning style. Plus, you’re able to create your own courses and multimedia flashcards for easy memorization and learning recall.
TED Ed is from the same folks behind TED Talks. Here you can pick a subject such as Business & Economics or Thinking & Learning and build your own lesson. Most videos include engaging visuals and are typically 10 minutes or less.
Skillshare allows you to customize class recommendations from more 14,000 courses. This site is an on-line learning community where you can take or even teach a class. There’s a little something for everyone here with a wide assortment of informational topics covering career and personal passions.
These seven sites are bookmark-ready. Tap into them for the personal development necessary to boost your success.
Career Wellness
As a career coach and recruiter, exclusive to public accounting, I help professionals find career success. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
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