Michael Sterling
5 Life Hacks for Holiday Networking

    Looking for a new job over the holidays? It’s tough, right? With so many people out of the office, it can be difficult to move your job search forward. A simple solution is to actually use the holidays to your advantage.   Holiday gatherings at community organizations, associations and even at a colleague’s […]

Michael Sterling
Simple Gestures to Say Thanks to Your Colleagues

  In honor of Thanksgiving and the holidays ahead, I want to say a heart-felt Thank You to all my professional colleagues and social media connections. It’s a pleasure to meet and work with so many accomplished individuals.   Like many offices throughout the U.S., we held a lunch to celebrate Thanksgiving as a team. […]

Michael Sterling
Why I Object to Objectives

  For the record, I object to objectives on resumes. When writing a resume – don’t include an objective statement – ever!   I realize there are different viewpoints on this issue. Based on years of experience as a career coach, I have many reasons to scrap an objective statement.   Top 5 Reasons I […]

Michael Sterling
Your Story is Key to Professional Success

Storytelling for Professional Success   Some professionals have a knack for telling stories that explain in vivid terms a concept. The ability to develop and articulate your story is key to professional success. If you don’t have that natural talent, you can learn to use stories in a way that’s effective. Here’s why it’s so […]

Michael Sterling
7 Free Websites to Boost Your Success

  If you’re waiting for success to find you – you’re doing it wrong.  Success doesn’t just happen. Continuous learning, growing and trial and error is what enables us to be more successful.   The good news is learning can be fun and FREE! I’ve found seven worthy websites where you can go to grow […]

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