Michael Sterling
(Interior) Design Your Way to Success

  These days, everyone works on the fly. We wheel and deal on our laptops, phones and tablets in cars, trains, planes – even from home in bed. I found myself hunkered-down with my laptop, propped up by pillows the other evening with a sore neck and back. It was at that moment I realized […]

Michael Sterling
Does Your Luck Suck?

  How much of your success is based on luck? It’s really a matter of perspective. Does your luck suck? If you believe in bad luck, you’ll have a greater chance of finding it. I tend to agree with Abraham Lincoln who said, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”   If you believe […]

Michael Sterling
Mad or Glad? Conveying Emotions in Email

Remember verbal communication? Once upon a time, conversations were held in person and phones were used for talking and not texting. Alright, I admit I text and email as much as anyone. It’s how things get done in our fast-paced world. It’s also how messages are easily misunderstood. Ever wonder what your boss, client or […]

Michael Sterling
Life Hack: Use Your Body Clock for Peak Productivity

  Are you a morning person or a night owl? The “I Don’t Do Mornings” coffee mug may be fun, but actually knowing when you are at your best is key to success. In fact, scientists are learning more and more about how we each much use our body clock for peak productivity.   Last […]

Michael Sterling
Motivation Thieves (and How to Protect Yourself)

  Are you regularly robbed of your motivation? The culprit may be any one of a number of issues that hold you up and steal away your motivated mindset. I call them ‘motivation thieves’.   So what are these incentive-crushers? Here’s a line-up of the five offenders that I consider the most common. Can you […]

Michael Sterling
5 Ways to Tackle a Tough Conversation

  It doesn’t matter where you are in an organization – head honcho or entry level – everyone finds themselves face-to-face with sharing troubling news or asking difficult questions. Whether you need to tell your client a project is delayed; update your boss regarding a problem; ask for a pay raise or coach an underperforming […]

Michael Sterling
Captain’s Log: Increase Productivity to Warp Speed

  Where does time go? One minute it’s 8am – next it’s 8pm. Poof! The day evaporated.   We’re all captains of our ship – navigating our way. We plot a course for our days, weeks and months. To make the most of our time, we must increase productivity to warp speed.   I’ve found […]

Michael Sterling
The Secret-Sauce of Successful Job Interviews

  Your killer resume just got you a job interview. Great! You prepare a professional outfit, thoroughly research the firm, craft powerful responses to every potential question and create a list of your own quality questions for the interviewer. What could go wrong? Well, if you’re lacking this single thing – skip the job interview, […]

Michael Sterling
70 Verbs to Beef Up Your CV

  Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter V.  V as in: Verb and CV – curriculum vitae.   We all know a verb describes an action, state, or occurrence. CVs, or resumes, are chock-full of verbs. They’re used to draw attention to accomplishments. However, most resumes are also filled with the same, mundane […]

Michael Sterling
What’s Your Relationship with Stress?

  If I had to post a status update regarding my relationship with stress, it would be – “It’s Complicated.”  I have a love/hate relationship with stress. It’s an on and off kind of thing. What’s your relationship with stress?   Stress is a great motivator. For that, I love it. It keeps me pushing […]

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